Pop-Up Weddings
You truly don’t need to have a wedding to get married.
You can sign the paperwork with a celebrant, or book the registry office.
But if you are having a wedding, and you’re on a budget here’s a great alternative……We Provide Arbour & Seating along with:
A Marriage Celebrant
My role in your wedding is being your marriage celebrant – I’m the one who creates and delivers your wedding ceremony’s vibe
A wedding ceremony is the thing that everyone’s actually invited to, it’s the moment where you go from being not married, to being married, and it deserves to be awesome.
I will ask questions to understand why you’re getting married and what that means to you. I will write a bespoke ceremony to reflect you.
Choose your Music
The table settings and decorations won’t save your wedding if the music doesn’t compliment the feel of your ceremony and the Celebration - spend time selecting the right music.
Grazing Table
Thankfully in Australia we have pretty high food standards so a gorgeous grazing table of savoury and another of sweets are a great way to celebrate.

A Photographer
This is where your memories are captured, because believe me the day will fly by. We can provide a number of different priced photographers.
In Brisbane it’s hot, so you need to consider your guests and the people that are a part of your Wedding Day, by providing some non-alcholoic drink prior to the ceremony. Remember the guests will be getting to the ceremony location at least 20 minutes before the due ceremony start time. And th

en afterwards, while you’re off having photos provide your guests with a celebratory drink.
Cake & Flowers
So many style to choose from – I personally recommend a cutting cake and a tower of either cup cakes or French Macarons.
Flowers – we always recommend what’s in season.
Hair & Make-Up
The last thing you want to be doing on your Wedding Day is running to the Hair Dresser to have your hair done and then back for your make-up. We have engaged the best in their field as mobile hair and make up artists